A Deeper Look into the World of Basic Design Elements of Tradeshow Construction


                                           Roof trusses from AnsherinaDelMundo

When people think of architecture, they think of large monumental structures, beautiful aesthetics and sculptured landscapes. The structure harmonizes with its environment and community much like a string instrument ensemble. There is a purpose behind the design elements that speaks to the world around it.

Very few people take notice of tradeshow design. Much like constructing a floor plan for a house, an exhibition has a specific layout design for the needs and demands of the space.

The designated space must be carefully orchestrated for promotional use. The importance of presentation is priority. The design must relate to the purpose and blend within the backdrop to showcase the desired product displays.

It must also engage the consumer and communicate a sense of excitement and awe. The movement of space and lighting evokes the overall ambiance and mood.  A mixture of natural sunlight and artificial lighting adds a strong component to the overall design. It draws energy into the space and enhances the quality of the personal experience.

Tradeshow design should entail a contemporary feel and sleek appearance. Curved spaces, soft, clean edges and high elevations are incorporated into the design.

Each entrance should flow smoothly from one showroom to another with a massive vantage point with an extended landscape for observation. Having a seamlessly endless open space, brings life and vitality. 

International pavilions gain marketing exposure and benefits for every organization participating in the event. Business development, product promotion and brand building opens doors of opportunities and generates global business leads. 

If a showroom meets these basic objectives, expectations and goals, this is the beginning of a practical and functional space.

For more information on truss construction, Watch video: Showspace.

Showspace is based in San Diego, Los Angeles and the Pacific Region of: Korea, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Malaysia, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Shanghai, China. They have over 35 years of experience in the exposition, theatrical, and trade show exhibit building industries. Their clients include both Fortune 1,000 Global Corporations and major national corporations. 
They work closely with clients to build structures that represent the client's needs.

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